Hey you!
It’s that time of year again…Spring has sprung and Wedding season is officially upon us – only this year it’s me walking down the aisle! Eeek. I am a 2024 bride. I still can’t believe I am getting married in less than three months. These past few years have been the most magical and life transforming for me both personally and professionally. In my last blog, I opened up about my health and entrepreneurial journey leading up to founding SHEER. Today, I want to share with you my journey of finding love.

The saying goes “you know, when you know”. As cliché as it sounds, this could not be more true. It’s hard to understand it until one day it happens – two pieces of a puzzle just fit so perfectly together – and it just clicks. I used to get so annoyed when my mom would ask me about my dating life. My mom and I have a great relationship, she’s my best friend first and my mother second. But once my thirties hit I felt the pressure from family to settle down even more. Every time my mom would ask if I met someone new, I’d be reminded “my time is running out!”. It’s that mom guilt, It really gets to you. Truth is, she was right. I was totally ready for it. I knew I wanted it. I manifested finding love for years. But the reality is my heart and mind we’re focused on my business – for the past five years of my life this is where I put all of my time and energy. I would tell my mom “I’m not worried about finding love. I will find the right person when the time is right. I have to make sacrifices for my future right now in my personal life If I am going to make it.”

I’m a big believer you find love when you’re not looking for it. That doesn’t mean it will come knocking on your door. Love requires effort and putting in the work; to find it and then to maintain it. Like everything you want in life you’ve got to put in the work. So I decided I was going to do just that. I started taking myself out on a date once a week. I wasn’t going to wait for the right man to do it, but let’s be honest…is there anything more attractive to a man than a woman who is confident enough to sit at a bar and wine and dine herself!? Every Thursday I would go to my favorite local bar in my old stomping grounds (Boston) – The Street Bar at The Newbury Hotel. First, I loved the people watching there. It’s got a fab bar scene overlooking the historical Boston Common Park. Second, they are known for the most fabulous cocktails, french fries, and oysters in town. Finally, networking is always great. I always met the most interesting people there.
One Thursday afternoon, I walked into The Street Bar on my usual Thursday afternoon date with myself. Unbeknownst to me, I would meet the love of my life. I’ll never forget this day. He was in town from Seattle on a business trip, I was at my favorite local bar sipping on a glass of wine and eating my usual oysters and french fries. We sat next to each other – by chance – and what started as a friendly conversation between two complete strangers, turned into a three hour impromptu date. The following weekend he came back to Boston to see me again. The man flew six hours to take me on a date…”if that’s not romance then what is?” By our third date we just knew this was something special worth pursuing, long distance and all, we figured it out. Eleven months later while in Europe together, he asked me to marry him. It was the easiest decision I’ve ever had to make.
It gets better. Before we headed over to Europe, we started sampling our dresses in different colors. We made a few samples in the most requested colors from customers; one of which was White. I decided to bring with me a few of the colored dress samples on this trip so that I can test wear them and feel the colors out. The day my fiancé proposed to me, he helped me choose my outfit out for dinner, and of course he chose The White Sculpting Mini Dress for me to wear. He said it would “go really well with my tan”. Little did I know, he would have this evening perfectly captured on camera by the staff at the hotel – while he would get down on one knee and propose.

As I embark on this new and exciting chapter in my life – Marriage – I naturally felt the first color we had to introduce to our limited edition color drop collection is White. Not only because I was wearing the White dress on the night of my engagement – but also because of the symbolic meaning of White – Purity and New Beginnings. Wherever you are on your journey of finding self or romantic love, I hope my story motivates you to keep going. Don’t give up. And maybe you just need a Sheer dress to give you that extra confidence-boost to get back out there. You just never know who you might be sitting next to.